Update for COVID-19 Vaccine Implementation In Nevada County

This is a quick update for Nevada County Dentists, more details will be coming.

Nevada County Health Department have now prioritized dentists and their dental staff for COVID-19 vaccinations. Your contact information had been previously sent by the BSDS office to expedite the process.

Your office will be contacted and given a link to register yourself and your dental staff. You will be able to choose an appointment day and time, and the appointment will be at one time, for all staff. Other county sites offered weekend appointment dates.

A few things to consider: Review work shifts when scheduling your appointment, and plan unscheduled time off. It is recommended that people who have had and recovered from COVID-19 still get the vaccine (unless you have had COVID-19 in the past 90 days you can postpone getting the vaccine). Also, member dentists have mentioned that some staff members, “are not enthusiastic” about getting the vaccine and have declined.

Again, information is updating almost daily. It is great to know that dentists and their staff are the next priority for Nevada County!

Rhonda Herrin
Executive Director
Butte-Sierra Dental Society
Please contact me at the office should you have additional questions:
ExecDirector@buttesierraddsd.org or 530-265-2569.